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LCA Conventional Orange Crop Operations

Resource Stock Operation or Component Analyzer View

Change by Id

This tool generates a variety of basic resource stock cost stock statistics for DevTreks components and operations.

Calculation View Description

Version: 1.9.0

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Step 2 of 3. Analyze


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Step 3 of 3. Save

Method 1. Do you wish to save step 2's calculations? These calculations are viewed by opening this particular calculator addin.


Step 1

  • Step 1. Base Calculations To Analyze: Operations go into operating budgets. Components go into capital budgets.
  • Step 1. Analysis Type: Choose the type of analysis to run. Ensure that it coincides with the name of the analyzer being used.
  • Step 1. Stocks to Analyze: Choose up to 10 resource stock properties to analyze.

Step 2

  • Step 2. Use Same Calculator Pack In Descendants?: True to insert or update this same calculator in children.
  • Step 2. What If Tag Name: Instructional videos explaining the use of what-if scenario calculations should be viewed before changing or using this parameter.
  • Step 2. Base Resource Calculations To Analyze Type: The calculator chosen should actually be used, and used fairly frequently, in the underlying data being analyzed.
  • Step 2. Related Calculators Type: Name of the "Related Calculator Type" found in descendants. Runs calculations using the data found in those descendant linked views. This property takes precedence over the "Base Resoure Calculations to Analyze Type" property.
  • Step 2. Math Properties: Choose optional algorithms and subalgorithms. Refer to the CTA tutorial for options.
  • Step 2. Media URL: Delimited string of Media URLs that explain the analysis.

Step 3

  • Step 3. Save Using: The Save command saves xml data the Save Text command saves csv data.

Reminder: The 'Resource Stock Totals' analyzer requires running the underlying NPV calculator after inserting, deleting, or updating, this linked view (that keeps the NPV calculator's linked views synchronized with these linkedviews).

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LCA Conventional Orange Crop Operations
Operation Group : LCA Conventional Orange Crop Operations ; A1001C
Operation AllAlt. 0Alt. 1Alt. 2
Name 2012 Conventional Orange Crop Operation2013 Conventional Orange Crop Operation2014 Conventional Orange Crop Operation
Date 12/31/201212/31/201312/31/2014
Label A1001C2012A1001C2013A1001C2014
Indicators AllAlt. 0Alt. 1Alt. 2
Date 12/31/201212/31/201312/31/2014
Score Observations
Score Amount 7,064.17321,668.56951,732.6881
Score Unit meanmeanmean
Score Amount Change 0.00000.000064.1186
Score Percent Change 0.00000.00003.8427
Score Base Change 0.0000-5,395.6037-5,331.4851
Score Base Percent Change 0.0000-76.3798-75.4722
Score Low Amount 7,052.18521,665.75201,729.8216
Score Low Unit lower 90 % cilower 90% cilower 90% ci
Score Low Amount Change 0.00000.000064.0696
Score Low Percent Change 0.00000.00003.8463
Score Low Base Change 0.0000-5,386.4332-5,322.3636
Score Low Base Percent Change 0.0000-76.3796-75.4711
Score High Amount 7,076.16121,671.38701,735.5546
Score High Unit upper 90 % ciupper 90% ciupper 90% ci
Score High Amount Change 0.00000.000064.1676
Score High Percent Change 0.00000.00003.8392
Score High Base Change 0.0000-5,404.7742-5,340.6066
Score High Base Percent Change 0.0000-76.3800-75.4732
Indicator Observations
Name Nitrate LossNitrate LossNitrate Loss
Label NO3NO3NO3
Total 6,004.56721,553.58101,578.9150
Unit kg N03-N / hakg N03-N / hakg N03-N / ha
Amount Change 0.00000.000025.3340
Percent Change 0.00000.00001.6307
Base Change 0.0000-4,450.9862-4,425.6522
Base Percent Change 0.0000-74.1267-73.7048
Indicator Observations
Name Ammonia LossAmmonia LossAmmonia Loss
Label NH3NH3NH3
Total 2,843.1096678.8910632.1978
Unit kg N03-N / hakg N03-N / hakg N03-N / ha
Amount Change 0.00000.0000-46.6932
Percent Change 0.00000.0000-6.8779
Base Change 0.0000-2,164.2186-2,210.9118
Base Percent Change 0.0000-76.1215-77.7639
Indicator Observations
Name Nitrous Oxide EmissionsNitrous Oxide EmissionsNitrous Oxide Emissions
Label N2ON2ON2O
Total 710.7996169.1535158.0553
Unit kg N2O-N / hakg N2O-N / hakg N2O-N / ha
Amount Change 0.00000.0000-11.0982
Percent Change 0.00000.0000-6.5610
Base Change 0.0000-541.6461-552.7443
Base Percent Change 0.0000-76.2024-77.7637
Indicator Observations
Name Global WarmingGlobal WarmingGlobal Warming
Total 330.24727,940.37058,195.4639
Unit kg CO2 equivskg CO2 equivskg CO2 equivs
Amount Change 0.00000.0000255.0934
Percent Change 0.00000.00003.2126
Base Change 0.00007,610.12337,865.2167
Base Percent Change 0.00002,304.37182,381.6150
Indicator Observations
Name AcidificationAcidificationAcidification
Total 488.6664111.6190105.3702
Unit kg SO2 equivskg SO2 equivskg SO2 equivs
Amount Change 0.00000.0000-6.2488
Percent Change 0.00000.0000-5.5983
Base Change 0.0000-377.0474-383.2962
Base Percent Change 0.0000-77.1584-78.4372
Indicator Observations
Name EutrophicationEutrophicationEutrophication
Total 932.8884214.0265199.0287
Unit kg N03 equivskg N03 equivskg N03 equivs
Amount Change 0.00000.0000-14.9978
Percent Change 0.00000.0000-7.0075
Base Change 0.0000-718.8619-733.8597
Base Percent Change 0.0000-77.0577-78.6653
Indicator Observations
Name EutrophicationEutrophicationEutrophication
Total 5.150429.9690112.3902
Unit kg N03 equivskg N03 equivskg N03 equivs
Amount Change 0.00000.000082.4212
Percent Change 0.00000.0000275.0215
Base Change 0.000024.8186107.2398
Base Percent Change 0.0000481.87712,082.1645
Indicator Observations
Name AcidificationAcidificationAcidification
Total 266.533216.134558.5351
Unit kg SO2 equivskg SO2 equivskg SO2 equivs
Amount Change 0.00000.000042.4006
Percent Change 0.00000.0000262.7946
Base Change 0.0000-250.3987-207.9981
Base Percent Change
Dataset: LCA Conventional Orange Crop Operations IRI These operations use life cycle analysis for conventional orange production.

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